CLIENT: United Technologies
MADE AT: Firstborn
We created interactive touchscreens, AR experiences, and a gigantic video wall at UTC's villa during the Farnborough Airshow 2018.
- Lead the touchscreen 3D team
- Model cleanup (STEP to Maya), developed shaders and lighting setup.
Software: Maya, Arnold
Client - United Technologies
Created At - Firstborn
Video Wall
Creative Director - Steve Mahn
Look Dev and Lead Design - Michael Rigley
Direction - Michael Kuzmich
Animation - Benjy Deng, Evan Di Leo, Michael Kuzmich
Executive Producer - Kelli Everly
Producer - Julia Kennedy
Created At - Firstborn
Video Wall
Creative Director - Steve Mahn
Look Dev and Lead Design - Michael Rigley
Direction - Michael Kuzmich
Animation - Benjy Deng, Evan Di Leo, Michael Kuzmich
Executive Producer - Kelli Everly
Producer - Julia Kennedy
Creative Director - Joon Park
ACD and Design - Eduardo Marzionna
Creative Director - Joon Park
ACD and Design - Eduardo Marzionna
Animation - Michael Kuzmich
Supervising Technical Artist - Ron White
Supervising Technical Artist - Ron White
Unity Development - Andrew Chester
3D Modeling - Piotr Glabinski
3D Modeling - Piotr Glabinski
Executive Producer - Kelli Everly
Producer - Julia Kennedy
Producer - Julia Kennedy
Creative Director - Joon Park
Art Director - Jennifer Xin
Technical Director - Drew Dahlman
Lead Developer - Hector Arellano
3D Modeling/Lighting - Mike Bourbeau, Piotr Glabinski
Animation - Michael Kuzmich
Design - Emma Tak
Executive Producer - Kelli Everly
Producer - Julia Kennedy
Creative Director - Joon Park
Art Director - Jennifer Xin
Technical Director - Drew Dahlman
Lead Developer - Hector Arellano
3D Modeling/Lighting - Mike Bourbeau, Piotr Glabinski
Animation - Michael Kuzmich
Design - Emma Tak
Executive Producer - Kelli Everly
Producer - Julia Kennedy